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Aux Armes

Aux Armes : manga cover

The adventures of the two brothers Enrique and Marco. They are soldiers in a future world of "Zombie Apocalypse". "To arms, citizens!"

The Zombie Apocalypse is not the worst ... But the betrayal of who used to be their brothers and their homeland ... Will Brotherly love survive the Dead Zombies ?

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Обновления : On hold

Жанры : Триллер

Тип : манга - Saga
(Комикс (слева направо))

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Kisswriter New Topic! 3Jul All comics - Aux Armes - Aux Armes ! Freetalk" is a web portal where students get assignment help for all the subjects, with the help of our experts. (...)
Marialexie New Topic! 30Sep All comics - Aux Armes - Zombie Apocalypse part 2: Nzumbe. Some words about the title of this Comic. Nzumbe is a word derived from Kimbundu one of the most spoken languages in Angola. A l (...)

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